10 Best Changes of a Novel’s Title

10. D.H. Lawrence originally wanted to title Lady Chatterley’s Lover, “Tenderness.”

9. Tolstoy originally called his book, “All’s Well that Ends Well” until he decided that his book was not going to have a happy ending. Thus, War and Peace.

8. Herman Melville’s Moby Dick was first published in London as “The Whale.”

7.Don DeLillo’s White Noise was originally named “Panasonic,” but the electronics company threatened a law suit for trademark infringement.

6. John Steinbeck considered giving East of Eden the title “My Valley.”

5. Originally, Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 was titled “Catch-18” but the year that he was going to publish his novel, Leon Uris published a novel about German-occupied Warsaw called Mila 18, so Heller had to pick another number.

4. Margaret Mitchell tried Tomorrow is Another Day, Tote the Weary Load, Jettison, Ba! Ba! Black Sheep, None So Blind, Not in Our Stars, Bugles Sang True, and Pansy (Scarlet’s original name) before deciding on Gone with the Wind.

3. Marjorie Rawlings thought of The Flutter Mill, The Fawn, Juniper Creek and Juniper Island before deciding on The Yearling.

2. Robert Lewis Stevenson’s first novel Treasure Island was originally titled “The Sea-Cook.”

1. Throughout the making of one novel, F.Scott Fitzgerald had difficulty deciding what to call it. He considered Among the Ash Heaps and Millionaires, Trimalchio in West Egg, On the Road to West Egg, and The High-Bouncing Lover. Fortunately, he decided on The Great Gatsby. But imagine the high school giggling that would have occurred if he had gone with The High-Bouncing Lover?!?


Bookfinds Editor. Book Reviewer.


  1. Nabokov wanted to call his autobiography ‘Speak, Mnemosyne’.

    ‘Speak, Memory’ was better (though it was called ‘Conclusive Evidence’ in the US first runs).

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