

Yes, I used the image of Oprah’s Book Club to talk about the launch of Oprah’s newest online platform, Why? Because I’m obsessed with Oprah’s Book Club, as you should be, too. Let’s get real, Oprah is the OG of celebrity book clubs and she put her heart and soul (and literary taste) into every one of those picks. She continues to impress readers with her choices and is not one to shy away from eclectic taste. Her latest pick is a non-fiction tale of a man who was wrongly imprisoned on death row. THE SUN DOES SHINE is certainly not for the faint of heart but Oprah was never one to tiptoe around deep emotions. has an entire section devoted to all things BOOKS and you can bet I will be closely following every. single. thing. that pops up under that heading. Here’s a link to every selection that the OBC has made since it began. Beneath every books is a personal quote from Oprah on why she made the particular selection and links to any available media. From what I have seen, will definitely provide a more thorough and consistent look into books and reading.


“Over the years I’ve chosen many great novels, very few memoirs for my book club, but this story reads like an epic novel. And it is all true! Mr. Hinton was falsely convicted of murder and spent 30 years on death row before he was finally released,” Oprah said in a 2018 SuperSoul Sunday interview.

Oprah’s Magazine has always been a favorite magazine among readers and the magazine’s Reading Room is always stacked with the most talked about, most resonating titles of the month. A few titles mentioned in this month’s issue are already high up on my To Be Read List.

Barbara Kingsolver’s hotly anticipated UNSHELTERED is my current read and it does not disappoint. THE BEAN TREES was one of the first books I ever read by Kingsolver and it was also one of the first books that left a deep impression on my reading life.


I really can’t wait to see how grows and evolves, what kind of writers and readers gravitate towards her site, and the opportunities it will present to the ever expanding online community of people seeking their “best lives.” I have an “Oprah” category under bookmarks and plan on keeping it regularly stocked with posts.


Bookfinds Editor. Book Reviewer.

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