A Great Loss in the Literary Community: Michael Crichton Passes Away

Michael Crichton, author of enormously popular novels like Jurassic Park, Timeline, The Andromeda Strain and Disclosure, passed away yesterday at the age of 66.

As I’m sure anyone who has ever read one of Crichton’s books or experienced the thrill of watching the film adaptations of his work, knows that we have lost one of the greats. I hold a special place in my heart for Michael Crichton because Jurassic Park was one of the first times I voluntarily read a book that was out of my “typical genre.” Up until I picked up Jurassic Park, I would steadfastly refuse any book that did not have a girl my age as a protagonist. The thought of reading a thriller, mystery, or action-packed adventure was beyond my scope at the time. What can I say, I was a chick-lit lover even at the tender age of eleven. But Crichton changed all of that for me. He opened my eyes to a larger context and I have always credited him with enhancing my interest in all genres.

When the internet was still in its’ infancy and AOL was virtually the only way to get “online,” my mother and I somehow stumbled upon Michael Crichton’s email address. My mom, having always loved his books, wrote him an email. I think it was her first (and only) fan letter and she sent it out on a whim. Well, as a testament to the man that Michael Crichton was, he responded to her almost immediately. He thanked her profusely for her encouraging words about his work and for getting in touch with him. That was the day that I realized authors were real people, who sat behind real desks and wrote real stories. My heart is heavy for our loss and my thoughts and prayers are with Michael’s family and friends.


Bookfinds Editor. Book Reviewer.

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