Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume

Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume

Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume

Lizzie Skurnick (also known as The Old Hag) writes regularly for Jezebel with fantastic analysis of young adult books that she grew up with and that most of us have encountered at some point in our lives. This week she is focusing on Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume.


Davey has never felt so alone in her life. Her father is dead—shot in a holdup—and now her mother is moving the family to New Mexico to try to recover.

Climbing in Lost Alamos Canyons, Davey meets mysterous Wolf, who seems to understand the rage and fear she feels. Slowly, with Wolf’s help, Davey realizes that she must get on with her life. But when will she be ready to leave the past behind? Will she ever stop hurting?

Here is what I think about some of the great reads that we discover in our youth. They are invaluable in that they allow us to discover the beauty of the written word and for many of us, this is when our passion for reading is ignited. However, some books need to be re-read as an adult to give us their full impact. I remember reading Judy Blume as a pre-teen and thinking that I had died and gone to heaven because I could completely enter a new world without leaving the safety and security of my own. But now that I am an adult, I want to rediscover these worlds. I want to see what lead to my fascination with Anne of Green Gables or The Secret Garden. And yet, there is another part of me doesn’t want to disturb the beauty that these novels created in my young reading life.  Should we let the memories be or try and see these books with new, more mature eyes? If anyone has any thoughts, I would love to hear them. In the meantime, check out Lizzie’s column at Jezebel.

And as a special treat…check out Judy Blume’s BLOG!


Bookfinds Editor. Book Reviewer.

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