The Supa Popularity of Dav Pilkey


Dav Pilkey is a god among the pre-teen, middle grade reader set and it seems that he is just getting started. From the zany adventures of Captain Underpants to the emotionally complex Dog Man series (Mothering Heights has brought a few tears) Pilkey has struck a chord with new readers. His books are in such hot demand that you only need to see how beat up the library copies become to know that these books aren’t just being read, they are being devoured by insatiable readers who can’t get enough of the worlds Pilkey creates.

Dav Pilkey was Publisher’s Weekly Person of the Year in 2019. According to PW for 2021, “Pilkey boasted three of the year’s top 25 bestselling print books overall and five of the top 25 on the children’s print list, and was #1 overall with the 10th and latest entry in his Dog Man series, Mothering Heights, with sales nearing 1.3 million.”


Dav Pilkey is also an inspiring writer, showing his legions of fans that being perceived as “different” is what helped him build the wildly successful writing career he has today. He has said in interviews that he feels his ADHD and Dyslexia are his superpowers.

Anything or anyone that gets kids excited about reading deserves a gold star in our book. We are now eagerly anticipating the next release from Dav Pilkey (and the next and the next and the next…). You are just SUPA, Dav!


Bookfinds Editor. Book Reviewer.

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