The Secret to Happiness…



Gretchen Rubin, author of THE HAPPINESS PROJECT and one of the most inspirational bloggers out there, gives some very interesting advice towards achieving happiness and balance in your life, “This week read something for fun!

She explains that whenever she asks someone what they are reading, they typically answer with some profound work of great literature, a much-talked about, well-regarded book that tends to be a little “dry.” When Gretchen asks her friends why they don’t read something fun, they reply, “When I read, I want to learn something. I don’t want to waste my time with something that’s not worthwhile.” And yet everyday we turn on the television and watch something just because it is entertaining. Books should be regarded the same way.

As Gretchen says, it is always good to push yourself to read an ambitious book but when you are always pushing yourself, reading becomes a chore and not something you do for fun or enjoyment and then eventually something you just stop doing.

When you have the right book, nothing is more fun than reading. So go to a bookstore or a library or online and get something you want to read. The test? You should feel like going straight home and sitting down to read it, immediately.

Don’t judge yourself. Let yourself read what you want. Remember, it’s supposed to be fun. And it is fun, nothing is more fun, if you’re reading something you enjoy.

So go pick up a book with a great plot, some action, maybe some romance or humor and sit back and relax.



Bookfinds Editor. Book Reviewer.

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