Life After Yes by Aidan Donnelley Rowley

Life After Yes by Aidan Donnelley Rowley

Life After Yes by Aidan Donnelley Rowley

Newly engaged and facing the inevitable cold feet that can accompany any major life change, Prudence “Quinn” O’Malley is desperately trying to adjust to her new status in life, engaged, while still trying to balance all of the other roles she plays on a daily basis; sister, daughter, friend, lawyer. What happens after “yes,” when the ring has been purchased, the question has been asked and the wedding is ON?

I discovered Aidan through her website Ivy League Insecurities, where she profoundly explores the nuances of life, both large and small, from friendship and marriage, success and insecurity,  and ultimately love and babies. What most of the movies and television shows don’t show you, and what Rowley so bravely and honestly portrays in her debut novel, is that moment in life when you realize something that is supposed to be perfect, like getting married and being in love, is so often one of the most imperfect things you will ever experience. The doubts, the questions, the inner monologue of all the things that are wrong with you and your “soul mate” and all the reasons why this union will never work. Quinn is trapped in a world filled with roles, roles that she isn’t even sure she understands, let alone fits into.

Quinn is truly in love with her fiance, Sage, but she can’t help but listen to the tiny voices that creep into her psyche and haunt her dreams. Quinn is such a relatable and lovable character that you find yourself experiencing her doubts and rising with her when she shines. She is what many women are, an analyzer, an “over-thinker” (if there really is such a thing), a woman with great introspection. Rowley’s portrayal of Quinn’s struggle to find herself in a world that is continually changing is both inspiring and heart-wrenching. I can’t say exactly what my favorite part of the story was, but I would have to guess that it was the writing. Rowley writes some of the most gorgeous and poetic prose I have ever read. I savored every sweet word and thought-provoking analogy and when I finished LIFE AFTER YES, I flipped to the beginning and started re-reading it. (And knowing how large my TBR pile is, you know this is something I almost NEVER do). Rowley left me feeling inspired, uplifted, and understood. I can’t wait until her next book because I know it will be as amazing as her first.


Bookfinds Editor. Book Reviewer.

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